INRCOG enhances quality of life for citizens through recreational planning and project development, as well as implementation and identification of funding sources to achieve recreational goals.
Local Planning Activities
Black Hawk County Water Trails Master Plan
INRCOG is under contract with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to develop a Water Trails Master Plan for Black Hawk County. The Master Plan includes recommendations for site-specific improvements along the Cedar River and Black Hawk Creek. A primary goal of the plan is to designate the Cedar River and Black Hawk Creek as State-designated water trails.
For more information on water trails planning, visit
Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Planning
INRCOG has worked with its member Counties and their respective Conservation Boards to develop plans for Iowa's Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) program. INRCOG also helps facilitate meetings for the Black Hawk County REAP Committee which meets biannually.
Black Hawk County REAP Plan
Bremer County REAP Plan
Buchanan County REAP Plan
Grundy County REAP Plan
Grundy County REAP Survey
Recreation Research
INRCOG has conducted multiple surveys to understand recreation needs in the region, and to aid communities and organizations in the development of their long-term conservation and recreation plans.
Iowa Great Places Visioning Plan
INRCOG staff plays an integral role in developing the Visioning Plan for the Cedar Valley as part of the Iowa Great Places program. The Visioning Plan highlights the quality of life improvements completed since the original Great Places designation and also the goals for future investments.
Cedar Valley 2019 Visioning Plan
Contact Kyle Durant for more information on the Visioning Plan for the Cedar Valley.
Grant Writing
INRCOG offers expertise in grant writing and project development in communities large and small. Contact Kyle Durant to begin planning a recreational project in your community and to learn more about grant funding sources.
Iowa DNR, Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program
Iowa DNR, Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
Iowa DNR, Dam Mitigation and Water Trail Enhancement Grants
Iowa EDA, Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT)
Wellmark Foundation, MATCH Grant
Additional Resources
The Cedar Valley Trails and Recreation Guide provides information on recreational opportunities in Black Hawk County and the Waterloo/Cedar Falls metropolitan area, including maps of the extensive land trail system, water trails, and city and county parks. Development of the guide was done with the assistance of Black Hawk County Conservation, the Cedar Falls Tourism and Visitors Bureau, Experience Waterloo, Cedar Falls Park Division, Waterloo Leisure Services, and the Iowa DNR. Printing of the guide was made possible through donations made by a number of area sponsors, each of whom has copies of the guide available.

to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Cedar Valley Trails and
Recreation Guide.) 
Kyle Durant, Transportation Planner II